Children & Youth

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

Discovery Zone is a Mid-week Children's ministry currently using the New City Catechism curriculum. DZ meets in the Fall Semester for 6-7 weeks and again in the Spring Semester for 6-7 Weeks. In Discovery Zone kids from Kindergarten to 6th grade can learn essential Christian doctrine through the tried and true method of a "Question and Answer" format. New City Catechism puts eternal truths in plain terms and helps kids understand more about what it means to follow Jesus. 

Sunday Mornings


Children ages 5 through 6th grade  will meet for Sunday School. They are going through the "What's In The Bible" Curriculum. 


Our Youth Group ( Grades 7-12) will meet for fellowship time and bible study. 

Wednesday Evenings
Resumes in the fall


Discovery Zone is for children in 6th grade and younger. They meet on Wednesdays for 6 weeks in the fall and then again for 6 weeks in the spring.  The schedule can be found on our calendar. 


Our youth students meet weekly beginning in the fall on Wednesdays. 

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